
Celebration and Frustration: Opposite Sides of the Same Coin? A Call for Culturally Responsive Evaluation Framework

RESEAU-CMI hosted yet another provocative panel discussion in November 2019, this time at the AFN Water Symposium in Toronto. Panelists and delegates discussed how the federal government’s historical approach to capital development in Indigenous communities is an outdated framework that leads to mistrust, delays in progress and derailment of sustainable innovation on each communities’ unique terms. Participants stressed that a more transparent, streamlined process in which all players involved in water system upgrades — government, regulatory, consultants, finance, industry and contractors — can be managed by First Nations communities to ensure their best interests are met.

Pictured left to right: Aaron Genereux, Glen Goodman, Irving Leblanc, Nico Paul and Madjid Mohseni (moderator).