
RESEAU Panel Discussion - AFN 4th Annual Water Symposium

Title: Having the Data AloneIsn’t Enough!


In this session, we draw on evidence from 4 different drinking water improvement projects commissioned at four First Nations communities during the pandemic, to show what changes are impacting the water industry culture the most.

The pandemic offered critical proof that the industry often trades flexibility for data and efficiency. Pandemic dispels the myth on the conventional mindset when data and efficiency have taken up the entire bandwidth driving the industry decisions, equally proving that community resilience can be supported or built through subtle changes in the industry culture.

The participants will elaborate on:

·       How to foster virtual gatherings that pull in perspectives from diverse expertise connecting people who realistically would never interact in the conventional practices.

·       How to access people who are not on the conventional network modalities, ensuring everyone is heard and feels connected.

·       How collaboration, agility, trust can be established to produce desired outcomes regardless of physical location.

·       How novel solutions can be implemented and validated incrementally.

·       How diversity, inclusion and equity strategies can be implemented and demonstrated.

·       How a profound flexibility (in the absence of data and unpredictable supply chain) allows capturing the opportunities leading to smooth project execution. 


Moderator: Madjid Mohseni 

Panelists:  Shawn Bennett, Brenda Thomas, DougNeff, and Walter Joseph